PRE-READ INCLUDED! COVID-19-and-Beyond, Stories from our Community, Part 3
Please join Charlie for more good news from the COVID-19 epidemic. This week we’ll be hearing from Melanie Sandlin, TLD8. Melanie is excited to share highlights from her journey with Allegion including the impact of leadership and transparency, benefits of long-range planning, and how they’re managing to bend the cost curve.
We’ll also continue the conversation that began on the May 13th call. IT can no longer be seen as a back office, support, or cost-center function. We are the fabric of our companies’ operations and customer and employee experiences. The door is now open with a huge opportunity for IT leaders, and especially CIOs. Let’s not let that door close on us as things tend to get back closer to “normal”… Let’s kick the door in and forever change the game and the role of technology.
Back in 2016, Charlie wrote the attached article as a response to Tom Davenport’s Fortune piece titled “Why No One Wants to Be a Chief Information Officer Any More”. You’ll see that, at that time, Charlie agreed with his title or premise (that nobody wanted the job), but Charlie disagreed with his pessimistic conclusions about the role of the CIO in the future. This article is an overview of the opportunity and the approach that Charlie believes will make the role of “Integrator” an attractive role for the most talented, up-and-coming leaders and redefine a Chief INTEGRATION Officer (CIO) role as a high-impact leader for the major corporations they serve.
We will talk about this more during the Community Call this coming Wednesday, 5/20, at 2:00pm CENTRAL. We hope you get a chance to read the 2016 article shared here and then join us for the conversation!